Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The tagline of this blog is already out of date. I've been here for 2 years now, but I'm gonna keep it anyway.

The other impending development is that soon, really damn soon, the title is gonna be in the same way. That's right readers - Lach In Asia is getting a sex change and becoming Loretta.

But not! Hands up if you fell for it. Go on, there's nothing wrong with being gullible. They are the best kinds of highschool girls.

My final day of work here will be on Friday, April 13. After that it's a week and a bit until my boat takes me to Vladivostok, Russia, from where I will commence a cross country trip on trains and buses (but mostly trains). After a leisurely 6 weeks of this, I'll head to Budapest, where I will study for a CELTA certificate, thus enabling me to teach English in a nice country. Word is that, in the following couple of weeks (and money permitting), I'll be doing some much needed travel through Western Europe with a friend from Holland. In the Summer.

So, let it happen. All I need to do is refrain from planning too far ahead and enjoy myself. This is gonna be the trip of a lifetime.

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