Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mongolia 2011?

I'm still here. There's nothing worth writing about. There is, but I have no imagination. I have enough to imagine that they are all against me. My students sometimes tell me that this is true.

This weekend: a folk festival in Anseong? Or just stay in Yatap and get folked? Does it really matter? Will I ever be any closer to Audrey Tautou?

My debts are tumbling down. They pay us well here. Korea rates well above every other east Asian country with regards to how much one can save. Teachers must however resist the temptation to bugger off to other countries at every chance they get, however tempting it is. My latest fantasy is Mongolia for 2011 baby. Apart from the one I've been having about Seonah all day. She's chosen to wear a very foxy outfit today, totally unbecoming of the conservative, demure and shy Christian she says she is. Thank God I'm an atheist.

For Chuseok, a trip to the East Sea with Joelle. Remember Seoraksan? I'm going back.

Catchya later! Soon I hope. Korea's a lovely place to visit at this time of year and I have a very comfortable couch. 010-6871-3385!

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