I don't think I will. I think about it all the time though, before remembering that I've been down this path many times and always conclude that I don't have to decide for another few months yet.
We've just come back from Sokcho, Joelle and I. Each time I've been there I've had the urge to apply for work out there. The province it is in, Gangwon-do, is far nicer than where I currently am in Gyeonggi-do. The air is fresh and the people are friendly. It's much like my hometown of Mittagong NSW. Back in Bundang the people are shitty and not nice. And if they're nice, it's towards someone else.
Presently checking destinations for a sneaky getaway in Winter. Harbin, China? Qiqihar? Or Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia? Or the Radisson on the "tropical" island of Jeju, Korea? My desire? Go where there's no American college graduates shouting OHMYGARD and asking where the nearest party is. Like I'd know! And saying things about my mother, which is totally inappropriate mind you, given that she is a lovely lady and would probably make you tea and ask about your life if I you ever met her because she is kind and interested in you and in showing you genuine hospitality. You don't travel very well. You expect the world to be a lot like L.A. and seem genuinely confused when it's not.
Tomorrow: screen golf with Matt and Mitja.
Juhee wouldn't rest until she was allowed to take this picture of me in front of the just-docked Dong Chun ferry. This is the one that does the run up to Vladivostok in Russia, the one I've been talking about taking when my tour of duty in Korea finishes (if it ever does).