Sunday, June 20, 2010

Creatus Hiatus

I haven't forgotten about my blog. In fact I wrote for 2 hours on Wednesday afternoon and decided I didn't want to publish after I'd finished ranting and raving. I was having a bad day you see...

In part though the reason for not posting anything new is that I don't have any good photos to put up. How it is that I go to watch the first Korean match of the World Cup in Seoul Plaza in which 100 000 people show up in the pouring rain and don't get a single noteworthy photograph I can't explain, except to say it might have been hazardous to get my camera out amidst dodging all of that traffic while perched on the median strip in the middle of the 6 lane road halfway to heading back to the Family Mart for the third time to get more beer. Yeah - Family Mart - I know. They sell soju by the truckload! Perhaps this is how many of the families begin? "Darling, it might be the soju talking, or the way your eyes are reflecting the moonlight..." Maybe they should give away free prophylactics with every bottle sold? Then it would be the Family Planning Mart I suppose? So many questions...

That's your blooming lot. You are not getting any gossip out of me in this brief installment (I'd have to make it up anyway). I leave for Thailand in 41 days and am finally getting excited about it, particularly now that my first semester classes are finishing. But, I'm most excited about the trip to China in the Winter which I have just started to plan with my new friend Kristin. I work in Korea in order to get out of it in my time off. I suppose this reflects my biggest shift of heart since I last wrote: the effort has gone out of trying to like the culture here so I'm not really concerned about fitting in either. I'll probably pack my bags after 12months here as well, and it is exciting once more to plan where I will go next!

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